Sunday 31 July 2011

How Good IS... Derrick Bateman

 Derrick Bateman and Daniel Bryan. A match made in mark heaven. Source: ... Google

Thought I'd start my catch-up day with a "How Good Was IS..." and I've wanted to write this one up for a while. Inspiration for this one goes to Brandon Stroud, who wrote a great little piece on Bateman in his own weekly column on WithLeather.

Derrick Bateman is easily, the funniest man on the WWE roster. Bar none. He has the comedic timing of Fred Willard in Best In Show. He shows that he could legitimately be an idiot, but still has the ability to make himself seem like he is being ultra-serious, in a hilarious way. The double date video is downright hilarious! "The King of All Wingmen" is just insane. "Are you wearing wrestling boots?" "Yeah absolutely."

But the best video of any of the DB's rookie/pro moments together, is for sure this one where Daniel Bryan is trying to teach Bateman a heel hook. It has a very odd sexual feel to it... Maybe that's just me, but it's awkward as hell watching Bateman crank up the crazy every time he's on camera.

The weirdest thing about it all is, he's got the *quotation marks* WWE *end quotation marks* look. He's pretty ripped, he can actually work in the ring, and he can really get a crowd behind him, which he especially showed. I hope to god the only reason they brought him back into this NXT Redemption is so that they push him into a main roster roll, maybe as an pseudo-ally of Daniel Bryan on Smackdown.

One can only dream.

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